5 AR KPIs You Should Track & Share Within Your Organisation

5 AR KPIs You Should Track & Share Within Your Organisation

For most credit managers and accounts receivable (AR) leaders, monitoring AR performance is an important part of the job. That’s why getting instant access to relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is such a valuable tool. But among all the figures and data, which are the most relevant for you to track and share within your organisation? And why does sharing matter?

Sharing certain KPIs matters because expanding the cash culture throughout the organisation is a major part of an AR leader’s job. Furthermore, AR performance should be everyone’s concern so it’s a good way to keep people involved and mindful about one of the company’s biggest assets.

This document highlights five KPIs that provide the most accurate insight into your global AR performance and that can — and should — be shared internally.


What aspects of automating the accounts receivable process are you currently considering?
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