Employees are choosing how they work

This quote, attributed to Albert Einstein, is particularly apt for the seismic shift happening in our workplaces today. Few would disagree that the way we work now is vastly different to the way it was just a few short years ago. Whether excited by the possibilities of change, or feeling disrupted by it, organizations have had to enhance their technology strategies to enable people to work from anywhere and interact with customers in new digital ways.

To remain connected, productive and secure in a world where many forms of work can now be done remotely, employees need confidence that the digital environment won’t hinder their ability to deliver their best work. Global research from Statista shows that 80% of employees working at least partially remotely would recommend it to a friend. But, as the study notes, “attitudes on telework are positive if employees are given the appropriate tools and technology to work remotely. These include digital collaboration and productivity management tools, as well as necessary hardware.”1

Such attitudes are profoundly changing the role of the IT function within organizations worldwide. Now, more than ever, the role of IT leaders in delivering a modern digital employee experience – providing secure access to all of the tools and resources needed for diverse roles – is bringing a distinct productivity advantage to the most forward-thinking businesses.