AI + ITSM: A guide to making IT work smarter, faster, and more efficiently

Introduction: AI is changing IT all IT leaders face major challenges with IT Service Management (ITSM) today. From increasing complexity of IT environments, growing user expectations, and the need for swift problem resolution, there are big hurdles to overcome. Generative AI is emerging as a transformative tool in tackling these challenges, offering advanced analytics to…

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Troubleshoot Mission-Critical Apps

IT operations (ITOps) teams deal with constantly changing and increasingly complex technical landscapes due to the acceleration of technical innovation and company mandates for cloud transformation and IT modernization. Sometimes they are tasked with finding and fixing issues amid an ocean of data. The ocean doesn’t stay still. Storms blow in and out. Clear skies…

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Empower Engineers with Unified Observability

Today’s multi- and hybrid-cloud world is exceptionally complex, leaving engineering teams with more operational responsibility than ever before. In Splunk’s State of Observability 2023, 81% of observability professionals say the number of tools and capabilities they use has been increasing, with 32% saying the increase is significant. This complexity leaves engineers with an unprecedented amount…

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The Essential Guide to Automated Threat Analysis

In an era where cyber threats evolve at an unprecedented rate, the ability to rapidly analyze and respond to potential incidents is critical for maintaining organizational security. Security operations centers (SOCs) face the daunting task of analyzing and responding to threats swiftly and effectively in an environment where attackers constantly devise new strategies. Analysis of…

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The Essential Guide to SOAR

Cybersecurity teams are overwhelmed. There’s a shortage of cybersecurity professionals with the necessary knowledge and expertise to adequately staff security operations centers (SOCs) around the world. This makes it exceedingly difficult for understaffed security teams to respond swiftly and resolve the thousands of alerts received each day. In fact, security analysts are drowning in security…

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Cheat Sheet to the New Hybrid Workplace

In this e-guide COVID-19 forced a change that everyone already saw coming but most organizations were not prepared for – widespread, remote work. Over the past few months, organizations have been struggling to keep up with the change in how their employees stay connected on a day-to-day basis, as well as managing these remote employees…

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Why NetApp Is The Best Storage Partner

We know that finding the right data storage can be complicated. From deciding on the right platform to building the right environment without blowing your budget, there’s a lot to consider. And it doesn’t help that you also have to separate fact from fiction when it comes to functionality and protection.And let’s not forget that…

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SASE: A How-to Guide

SASE adoption accelerating as workforce goes remote In the wake of COVID-19, enterprises are racing to adopt Secure Access Service Edge, or SASE. The concept, not even a year old, wasn’t expected to take root until 2024 at the earliest, according to forecasts, but that timeline has all but evaporated as companies address the security…

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Zoom vs. Teams: Compare the Popular Video Conferencing Platforms

Microsoft Teams vs. Zoom: Compare video conference platforms The 2020 pandemic has forced many businesses to embrace work-fromhome strategies, thus accelerating the need for collaboration tools for remote employees. As businesses look for ways to keep employees virtually connected, two popular options have bubbled to the top: Microsoft Teams and Zoom. While both support remote…

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