Payroll Complexity Survey – Report

The payroll complexity crisis

Payroll has always been complex, but it's growing even more challenging as the world of work continues to transform. We're seeing an explosion of different types of work and workers, ever-evolving compliance requirements, and AI and automation embedded deeper into organizations' processes. All of these changes come together to create a complexity crisis for today's payroll teams.

But despite so much change, payroll professionals are also still struggling with challenges from the past. Dayforce's Payroll Complexity Survey, conducted in partnership with PayrollOrg, revealed today's top payroll pain points are compliance challenges (45%), managing the complexities of multijurisdictional payroll (33%), and inefficient processes (25%). This hasn't changed since our last survey with PayrollOrg in 2022.

Since that time, payroll professionals also think their jobs have gotten harder – with 58% saying so. And in tandem, filling new or vacant payroll positions is now a challenge, with 41% saying it is somewhat or very difficult in their organization. This could be because more than half (52%) said processing payroll in their organization is more complicated than it needs to be.

These are big problems for organizations as they face greater pressure to control costs, manage risk, and ensure efficient operations amid persistent economic uncertainty in a rapidly changing business climate.


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