Research Objectives

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a topic frequently discussed in various contexts today, primarily regarding its impact on society and its application in specific scenarios. When it comes to backup and recovery, two questions are significant:

  • How much AI-generated data needs protection?

 As more organizations integrate AI into their operations, the need to protect an increasing amount of data assets becomes a crucial concern. For example, it is important to assess which data sets are mission-critical and prioritize protection initiatives around them.

  • How will backup and recovery processes adapt to take advantage of these rapidly evolving technologies

While some backup and recovery solutions already have AI and machine learning (ML) capabilities, further integration of AI/ML for autonomous data protection is receiving increased attention due to frequent data loss, often caused by criminal activities. Organizations are also carefully monitoring the inevitable impact of generative AI, which could drive significant expansion of data backup requirements.


To gain further insight into these trends, TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group surveyed 375 IT and data professionals familiar with and/or responsible for data protection (including backup and recovery) decisions and data science for their organization.

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