Common goals
Under the diverse umbrella of government programs, teams across all departments, agencies or ministries want to strengthen decisions, embrace and advance innovation, promote data privacy and transparency, and inspire social transformation. Whatever the primary mission, the common goals are to make the best use of taxpayer money while delivering optimal results and increasing trust.
The goals are complex, and the most pressing challenges are not one-dimensional. Instead, they are influenced by changing circumstances, varied data sources and integrated interactions across many government policy areas. For example:
- Health outcomes. Supporting good health outcomes entails knowing more than just clinical diagnoses and corresponding treatments. Social determinants of health, for example, are also relevant – including factors like demographics, geography, employment and financial status.
- Student progress and performance. In addition to being influenced by the school they attend and the teacher they have, other determining factors from a child’s personal life include the family’s financial stability, health-related concerns and involvement in the criminal justice system.
- Criminal justice decisions. To make the right decisions about sentencing, supervision, treatments and release, it’s important to know the person’s criminal history as well as contributing health and socioeconomic factors.